LINC CLB Benchmarks
The Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) standard is a descriptive scale of language ability in English as a Second Language (ESL) or Francophone, written as 12 benchmarks or reference points along a continuum from basic to advanced. The CLB standard reflects the progression of the knowledge and skills that underlie basic, intermediate and advanced ability among adult ESL learners.
Each ESL Benchmark a student receives indicates the capability they have in each of the four competency areas of English: Speaking, Listening, Reading, & Writing. As students go through the LINC Programs available, they work through different assessments to indicate their growth in the four areas. With enough successful assessments, students can progress to a higher benchmark and into higher level English Classes.
Basic Language Ability
At Agapé, we focus on teaching our students Basic English Abilities through developing their CLB scores from 1 through 4. At these levels the objective is to develop simple communication skills in routine for each of the four Competency Areas.
For Francophone options please see listing below for Calgary (Cours de langue pour les immigrants au Canada - CLIC) the French version of LINC
Portail de l’Immigrant Association de Calgary - 403-668-0299
Societete du centre scolaire communautaire de Calgary - 403-249-1749
Centre d’Accueil pour Nouveaux Arrivants Froncophones de Calgary - 403-532-6334